oleh: M Maulana Hamzah
Purpose of this study is to review some aspects of conventional insurance that opposed to the values of Muamalah Islam such as schemes in contract, theory, culture and socio-economic impacts. Data from Law no. 40 of 2014 on Insurance, BPS, classic Islamic literatures, journals and internet are analyzed to review and find a concept of Healthy insurance based on sharia law. Qualitative method using descriptive analysis and review of literature are used to analyze the data mention above. This study found usury and ghoror practices in insurance model since the early determination of the premium to the investment allocation. By socioeconomic further increase moral hazard. The solution is the need for Insurance which was born originally from Islamic society with approach to social needs.
Purpose of this study is to review some aspects of conventional insurance that opposed to the values of Muamalah Islam such as schemes in contract, theory, culture and socio-economic impacts. Data from Law no. 40 of 2014 on Insurance, BPS, classic Islamic literatures, journals and internet are analyzed to review and find a concept of Healthy insurance based on sharia law. Qualitative method using descriptive analysis and review of literature are used to analyze the data mention above. This study found usury and ghoror practices in insurance model since the early determination of the premium to the investment allocation. By socioeconomic further increase moral hazard. The solution is the need for Insurance which was born originally from Islamic society with approach to social needs.
Keyword: Insurance, Muamalah Islam, Problem, socioeconomic.
Industri asuransi
adalah bagian tak terpisahkan dari sektor financial yang turur menggerakkan
ekonomi Indonesia melalui fungsi pengalihan resiko. Sistem asuransi pada
hakikatnya menawarkan jaminan masa depan bagi pemegang polis, jaminan itu bisa berupa
kesehatan, kematian, kecelakaan, kebakaran dan lain sebagainya. Dalam bahasa
asuransi hal-hal yang ingin dijaminkan tersebut dikenal dengan istilah insurable
interest yang terbagi menjadi 2 jenis yaitu asuransi jiwa, asuransi umum
dan asuransi social (msig.coid, 2015). Asuransi jiwa fokus pada kematian yang
sifatnya pasti (aaji.com, 2015) asuransi umum memungkinkan seseorang untuk
menjaminkan apa saja yang ia anggap berharga, mobil, kucing rumah, usaha, hingga
panca indra yang dinilai memiliki nilai ekonomi bagi pengguna pun bisa
diasuransikan, seorang artis korea sangat lumrah untuk mengasuransikan hidungya,
pemain bola juga tak segan untuk mengasuransikan kakinya. Sedangkan asuransi
sosial adalah asuransi yang dikelola negara yang untuk kepentingan masyarakat
umum (Wikipedia.org).